New Official Facebook Group

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for your patience! The new Oak Hill South HOA Board has been quietly and diligently working on new improvements and ideas for the benefit of our community.

Our first being, we would like to announce we have created a new Facebook group that includes the added safety and security of being a private, members only group. There are a few questions that will help us verify the identity of each member that joins the group. This will replace our current Facebook page that will be shutting down in the near future. All discussions, events, and correspondence will be posted in the new Oak Hill South Facebook Group.

The new group URL has been added to the social media sticker on the front page of the website and is also linked here:

We will have more new and exciting announcements in the coming weeks so stay tuned!

Neighborhood Updates

Regarding the mail box at 1112 SE Bordner Dr; the city of Lee’s Summit refused to repair the sidewalk even after repeated attempts to convince them it was an ADA issue. As a next step, a repair request has been called in to the local post office to fix the leaning mailbox. They said they will send the maintenance crew to assess it.

Regarding the retention pond; the board will be signing a contract with Johnmeyer Construction LLC to repair the damage to the underground outlet pipe. Current estimates for the repair total $10,000.

Regarding the pool; work is still scheduled to begin in the fall but no hard date has yet been confirmed.

Pool Update

Thanks to the actions of a few ignorant people, the pool is closed today. There is no need to share the details of what happened as it is exactly the response they are looking for. If you have any camera footage of the incident (occurred at 1:19am on 06/30), please share with the board so we can permanently remove their pool access.

Pool Update


I’m pretty disappointed with the actions and behaviors of the pool-goers this year. Please take time to review the posted rules and follow them. If you have teens going to the pool, remind them to dress appropriately and if they listen to music it must be suitable for all ages (this applies to everyone). The HOA board is not here to police the pool, all of the residents should do it. If you live in this neighborhood and do not like the actions you see, say something. The pool is a privilege, not a right. To the people that decided to use a confetti bomb at the pool, pretty poor form. 

Be better, everyone. 

Pool Update

We would like to inform your that due to rain, lack of sun & the cool weather the pool water temperature is currently between 62-65 degrees which is not recommended to swim in as it is unsafe for your body. 
We have been advised not to open the pool on Friday, May 27th and we will monitor the situation for Saturday as well.

Neighborhood Updates 

  1. The pool will open on May 27th. The planned repairs have been delayed until the fall due to scheduling issues. If you are concerned about the pool surface, please feel free to wear swim shoes while using the pool. Please check the neighborhood Facebook page for information about pool key replacement.
  2. The HOA is aware of the issue with the retention pond and it is our top priority to resolve. Until there is some resolution, please do not go near the area as the soil is unstable. We have put up a temporary barrier. It is important that residents take this serious and stay away. If you have recommendations for companies that are capable of fully resolving the issue, please email info to Officers(at)  

Annual Dues Update

Hello HOA families. The post office made a mistake regarding our P.O. Box thinking it was canceled, when it actually wasn’t. So if you received your HOA dues returned to you, You can drop checks off at 1224 SE Warren drive. 

If you haven’t mailed in your check yet, you can do so to the P.O. Box:

Oak Hill South HOA 
P.O. Box 1443
Lees Summit Mo 64063

Thank you so much. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Dan Martin