OHS’s annual garage sale will be Thursday, May 18, through Saturday, May 20. This is also the typical weekend for surrounding neighborhoods to hold their sales.
Just a reminder! Oak Hill South annual meeting tomorrow morning at 10am at Adundant Life Church in the Admin Bldg, not in the main church! Address is: 414 SW Persels Rd
Lee’s Summit, MO 64081
We will be discussing neighborhood improvements, we will elect a new board and need volunteers for all committees (pool, social, web, pond, and bylaws.)
We look forward to a large turnout!
Annual Homeowners Meeting 3/18/17
Neighbors! Save the Date for the 2017 Oak Hill South Homeowners Meeting on Saturday March 18th at 10am at the Abundant Life Church (old Building). Lots of great updates will be shared about things done to improve our neighborhood in the last year. Also, we are looking to fill all positions except President of the board. All current members have served the for the last two years. We have lots of new neighbors and this is a great opportunity to get involved and meet your neighbors. Also, please be on the lookout in the next couple weeks for the dues invoice for 2017. Dues need to be paid no later than April 1. Let us know if you have questions and looking forward to a big turn out on 3/18!
Hi Neighbors,
The pool is going to remain open at this time. We attempted to close it on Saturday so that the pool company could do additional work since 2 more people cut their feet on Friday. Unfortunately, when the pool was full of people even though there was a CLOSED sign on the door. He did what he could on Sunday morning and hopefully all the glass is gone for good. For now, the pool is open but please be aware of the possibility of leftover glass, so you are using the pool at your own risk. If there is glass spotted again, we will close the pool to be completely drained.
With this being said, please understand that there are ABSOLUTELY NO GLASS ITEMS ALLOWED in the pool area. This includes goggles, swim masks, drink bottles, baby bottles, glass dishes, etc. People are in this area bare footed, and we can not risk the chance of any more broken glass and putting our neighbors in danger. None of us want to have the pool closed and the additional cleaning is an additional expense for the entire neighborhood. Please make smart choices AND if you see someone in the pool area with a banned item, please remind the neighbor it is not allowed and you can report it to the board at officers(at)oakhillsouth.net.
Guests–we have had complaints already about excessive number of guests at the pool. We love for our neighbors to have friends at the pool, but lets remember this is a private pool to be used by 147 homes, so lets be considerate about how many guests we have at the pool. 3-4 guests are no problem for normal pool use. If you want to have a birthday party, etc at the pool, please reach out to the board to get approved and we will post to our neighbors about the party so everyone will know we will have extra people at the pool. Please do try to limit party guests to 8-10. Also, anytime you bring a guest to the pool, your are responsible if they break rules or damage property. We already have a section of the fence broken from people climbing over it. It will be an expensive fix and hopefully the last one of the season.
Lastly, we have already had 2 instances where teenagers were in the pool after it has closed for the night. Pool hours are 10a-9pm with Adult only swim from 9p-10p. NO ONE is allowed to swim after 10p and the Lees Summit police will be called if anyone is trespassing in the pool after 10p. If your child is caught in the pool after hours, your card will be suspended.
Hopefully this week will be the only rough week we have at the pool this summer. Lets all enjoy this pool season.
Hi Neighbors
The pool is going to be closed all day today 6/1. Someone’s glass goggles shattered in the pool yesterday leaving shards of glass on the pool floor, including the baby pool. Olympic will be vacuuming the floor in the entire pool today and cycling through the filter to remove the glass. If this does not work, we may have to completely drain the pool. Thank you for your patience while we get this fixed for everyone’s safety.
WCA Trash Pick up Delays
Good morning. I just called and spoke to WCA. I have personally called them twice this week about my own waste but I advised them it is a huge issue in our neighborhood and adjoining neighborhoods. they transferred me to a supervisor who has written a work order to have them all picked up by end of day tomorrow. She told me that they are down 17 drivers in the past 30 days and have brought in 5 teams from other areas to help with their backlog and that they should be caught up on yard waste pick up by 6pm Saturday, however all of OHS will be picked up by the end of the day tomorrow. I’m not confident in this but I will also call Deffenbaugh and Constable and inquire about HOA pricing. I believe if we go to HOA pricing it is paid by the HOA and has to be collected with dues, so we need to keep that in consideration that it would increase dues by $200 each year. Thanks all for your comments!
Neighborhood Garage Sale
Hi Neighbors! Just a heads up that our Neighborhood Garage Sale is around the corner! It will be held in conjunction with Hawks Ridge, Newberry, and Princeton Heights. The weekend for the garage sale is May 20 and 21st. Signs will be posted at our subdivision entrance the week prior to the garage sale.
2016 Dues
Good morning! Everyone should have received their 2016 dues letter in the mail no later than last week. Please remember that this is due no later than April 1st. Please also return a signed copy of the pool rules included in the envelope. Pool access will not be granted this summer until dues are paid and we have a signed copy of your understanding of the pool rules. Thank you!