Just a reminder! Oak Hill South annual meeting tomorrow morning at 10am at Adundant Life Church in the Admin Bldg, not in the main church! Address is: 414 SW Persels Rd
Lee’s Summit, MO 64081

We will be discussing neighborhood improvements, we will elect a new board and need volunteers for all committees (pool, social, web, pond, and bylaws.)

We look forward to a large turnout!


  1. The last time I picked up trash around the pond, I found a half dozen or more doggie bags filled with poop. I got a full wheelbarrow on the two ends and the south side. Mrs. Alexander and her boys picked up the north side. These doggie bags don’t get in the pond by themselves. Shame on you (whoever is throwing them in the pond). Let’s keep it a pond and not a cesspool. I try to clean up around the pond 3 or 4 times a year. I always get at least one wheelbarrow full of trash!! There are several others that also pick up around the pond. I realize that some of this trash blows in, however most of it is thrown into the pond or on the bank. Let’s pickup behind ourselves. Pack your trash home if you are at the pond and have trash. It is not a place to throw trash.

    Feb 28 I saw a bicycle laying close to the water at the pond. It was there all afternoon. About 6PM that evening I went out and got the bicycle. I put it in my driveway next to the garage where the owner could find it easily. They were predicting some heavy rains that night. If we would have gotten enough rain to fill the pond, the bicycle would have been under water. I knew whoever owned the bicycle would be looking for it. That is why I left it next to the garage in the driveway. I should have put it in my garage and posted a lost and found on the home owners website!!

    I went to bed at 9PM and the bicycle was still in the driveway. At 9:36 it sounded like a shot near the front of my home. I looked out the window and could not see any activity outside. The next morning, I opened the front door to get the paper and found that someone had picked up a 12 pound rock from my flower bed and thru it thru my front door. There is about $500 in property damage!!

    I called the police. Policeman thought maybe a dad might have found the bicycle in my driveway and thought I was trying to steal it. I said if I was going to steal it, I would have hid it. If this is a fathers temperament, he is a sick man!! A couple of years ago I found a bicycle in the pond, just the front wheel showing. I put it in my garage and posted it on HOA website. The owner identified it and came and got it. She was very happy to get it back. I am very disappointed with this happening. I have felt like this is a neighborhood of very nice and loving people. Apparently we have gotten some hot tempered people moved in that only care about themselves!!

    The past few weeks I have noticed a lot of dog poop on the sidewalk between my home and the mailbox. Also there was a sky-blue doggie bag, filled with poop and discarded on the grass between the sidewalk and the street. Again this not a place to dump stuff!! Let’s try to keep our neighborhood clean and looking good. Let’s all work together and keep our neighborhood clean and attractive.

    God Bless you
    George Hook

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